By: Maryam Abdullahi
Series of thorough conducted survey as connected to certain degrading challenges that affect women in the present century has revealed in supplement, idolatry writings and recent studies; that in all ramifications, women are confronted with physical, social, economical, political, emotional, and social harassment.
Women have put up fights against inequality which took years of campaigning, demonstration, and convincing others to join in their contention against inequality, even so, it would be a wrong understanding to think that the fight is surmounted. Women of this century are social agents, promoters of social activities, yet are predisposed to frequent discrepancy. They’re subjected to solid molestation of rectitude in the social clubs and the media. The fear of unintentional bare involvement has caused women set back in the media. They’re denied freedom of interaction and to sustain a speakable reputation, most women have near utterly retreated from these social attachments.
Like in the newly founded German, women belonging to all social classes were socially, and politically disenfranchised. The bourgeois and upper class women are confined by the code of social respectability to their homes. They were socially and economically considered inferior to their husbands. The unmarried women are ridiculed and those who want to avoid social decency could work as unpaid house keepers, the most able could work as governesses, or could become nuns. Some of this matters, like traits, stem from the previous generation,  whose notion against women has contributed greatly in their today’s lag. Women involvement in literary world is limited, in most works of art, like plays, novels, etc, the character of women are portrayed as mere house help, prostitute, bad house wives, baby machines, etc. Some of this characters they represent paints black their images, there by; affecting their esteem and reduce their engagement in public perspectives.
Women in this century are denied equal political participation in various positions of Ministers, Senators, Governors etc. They are numbered in such positions. Why is it an impossible concept for the emergence of a female president worldwide? Is it inequality that still interferes or the physical challenge of women that influences this notion?
In the aspect of profession, powerful unfairness has been observed. In recent century, enormous amount of women are educated in similar field as most men, yet are exposed to unpalatable molestation, women receive a lower pay for same job which men are paid higher for. Isn’t this an explicit instance of gender preference?
Majority of married women today who are potential graduates are jobless, either placed under work restriction by their supreme husbands or  are rejected  because of their marital status. Marital status has spread a solid catastrophic withdrawal of women from their places of works. Pregnancy penalty has also affected women in their various careers like works with the media, banks and all sorts of stress demanding jobs. Most men are adamantly concerned about their wives being engaged in any profession because of the sexual humiliation and risk they’re likely to succumb to.
Some parents whose minds are penetrated with ignorance, claim education for men only, certain palatable traditional complexities has extreme negligence and superfluous safeguard of the women for future slavery.
Tradition has exclusively participated in the pervasive abstaining of women in the nation’s benefaction.  
In a country like Nigeria, in the Northern part particularly, women are drained into the culture of being inferior to men even in the societal sight, they’re entangled in the verdict of the tradition which treat women as the weaker sex and has conquered their exuberance for future advantageous attainment.
Most uneducated women are prone to hardship in their matrimony, especially if yielding expectations like giving birth, work of cook and cleaner, adviser, and absolute self-submission are not reached; there by leading to divorce, they’re neither married nor educated. Therefore lack of education affects women growth in the recent days.


Women in the campus today has undoubtedly revealed men as their major reasons for setback in the campus activities, men are famous for their desires to be everywhere, they want you be campus politicians, campus journalists, campus socialists, etc. Since feebleness as a reflected challenge of women is an obvious knowledge which has amply affected women in the society, campus, nation, and worldwide, men should cease being hindrance and pave way for important roles for women and excuse the wants of being in charge.

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