In Celebration of My Co-Morocco Patronizer

In Celebration of My Co-Morocco Patronizer

By Bashir Turawa

I find it painful that I have a lot to say today but time won’t permit me due to tight schedule and as a matter of fact, today is Saturday. My Ilorin friends know what today means. “Owanbe”.

Without giving much ado, I’ll love to have a brief say about someone because today means a lot to him.

People who see me on campus will realise that I don’t always move alone. You’ll hardly find me moving without accomplices. I move with persons worth persons. One of the persons I find difficult living without is Taoheed Adegbite.

We’ve been together ever since I was a 100 level student. We live in the same room, cook together and attend lectures together, visit the school clinic together to have our favourite vitamin C, visit Sokoto town together and even use the same bread and beans joint at the school mini mart. I can proudly say, it’s been fun being with him as he’s one of the people who made school ‘home away from home’ for me.

As you celebrate your birthday today, I wish you long life, prosperity, good health, wealth and more points.

Happy birthday to a friend, course mate, partner in journalism and my co-morocco patroniser.

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