The Human Beings

By Abdulrasaq kamaldeen


We are living in a world full of doubt and debate. Hatred is the consequences we are facing. The words cited as human beings are anatomically and have a more highly developed brain and a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning.

Our rationality and lifestyle are different from that of other creatures. Human beings don’t know this is a great gift from God. This has weakened me why some human beings are not beings, because their attitudes are hidden under the ligature of human beings.

The normalcy of an individual has been disrupted, whereas people act vicious. What they pondered in their minds is more dangerous than a viper’s venom.

Contrarily, society believed in fabrication anecdotes and followed the wrong path. This has turned the shadow of their belief to falsehood. They are deer in the daylight but lions in the night.

The world is tentative, the rise of haters among individuals cannot be envisaged. One’s failure is what people are palming for. The raison d’être of their existence is to dismantle what man has been plating for the empire. This has become an iniquity and proclivity attitude.

According to Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher once said, “man’s enemies are not demons but human beings like himself.” We are falling into a deep pit dug by haters, because we chose them as the next to us.

Having succeeded in this life is a great achievement. It is an obstacle that we are created in this world to live and face difficulties and challenges.

Similarly, our past heroes were also victims to these hazardous acts, those who they put in trust backstabbed them.

This reminds me of a story of two brothers searching for a missing object at the farm. The person who is lucky to find it will be rewarded with acres of land. After thorough searching togethers, the elder brother came up with an advice for them to split, in order to save time. Fortunately, the younger brother ended up finding the missing object. This bred the aggression of the elder, and even thought of murdering his younger brother.

Meanwhile, Let your attitude be a powerful tool for positive action. It’s inherently interwoven into everything you do. It’s your most priceless possession.

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