Mind you Grammar

By Olayiwola Ridwan 

Now at Morocco Ground: Aminu takes courage, subtly approaches Salamatu.

Aminu: Good evening, Hajia Salamatu. How have you been?

Salamatu: Evening. I have been good.

Aminu: You are looking so dazzling this evening. I had always thought darkness would not do justice to your looks. But here you are! Your beauty alone illuminates the dark. In fact, the daytime does not do complete justice to your beauty.

Salamatu: (smiles beautifully) Thank you for all the compliments. Am I really worth all these exaggerated compliments?

Aminu: You are worth twice of my understated compliments. I’m always on cloud nine whenever I’m around you, because your beautiful eyes sparkle like priceless jewels. The faint sound of your laughter makes me feel like I have been admitted into paradise.

Salamatu: (feels special) Awn! Thanks once again. Your charming words really mean a lot to me.

Aminu: The pleasure is always mine. Salamatu, I don’t know how you will feel, but I have always had something in mind to tell you.

Salamatu: What could that be? Feel free to express yourself.

Aminu: (observes a couple of minutes’ silence) hun… Hun… Salamatu, I would like to MAKE FRIEND WITH you?

Salamatu: Is that all? Although I’m indifferent to that, I may try considering making FRIENDS with you. It will however be about sharing knowledge only.

Aminu: Hunmm… Okay o. No problem.

Salamatu: That’s nice. Hope you noticed my subtle correction to your statement of request?

Aminu: Yes! I did. I was about to ask you about it.

Salamatu: That’s awesome. The expression “MAKE FRIENDS WITH” has a fixed form. It will be wrong to exclude the ‘S’ from the word “friends”. The ‘S’ is an intrinsic part of the word. So, proper caution must be taken when using the expression. Once again, it’s only correct to “MAKE FRIENDS WITH” , not to make friend with someone.

Aminu: I’m so happy that our paths crossed and we met each other. Your intellectual ability just always blows my mind. You make me want to be a better version of myself every time we meet.

Salamatu: Who am I to deserve this, brother Aminu. Well, it’s getting late already. I will have to say goodbye to you now.

Aminu: It’s truly late. Bye bye. We will meet next time.

Salamatu: (offers a weird look) Next time? I’m not a Morocco fan o… abeg.

The duo laugh and leave the scene.

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