Malt and Milk Does Not Boost Blood Production

By Abdulrasaq Olayinka 


There’s a popular idea held by the majority of Nigerians that mixing a malt and a milk boosts production in the human body system.

In fact, our local acclaimed nurses go a long way of adding them on the list of medicines needed to boost blood production, when a patient is detected to have suffered a loss of blood in the body.

This is nothing but a complete might.This claim has no scientific proof.

On 19th July 2021, the Punch Newspaper conducted an interview with Professor Ogunba, a public health nutritionist at the Obafemi Awolowo University over the headline “DRINKING MILK, MALT COMBO WON’T BOOST BLOOD VOLUME.” That is to say the effect of stopping the advancement of malted milk, boost blood volume has long been denied by the health mentors.

Who Invented the Malted Milk Idea?

Malted milk was first invented in the year 1873 by William Horlick, a food manufacturer in Britain. He, along with his brother, founded the popular brand of nutritional supplements that would sell malted milk under the name “Horlicks.”

The Chemistry of Malted Milk

Milk contains tryptophan which is an amino acid that helps us sleep better. Tryptophan converts into serotonin, the hormone that gives you pleasure. Serotonin also increases the amount of melatonin in your body and melatonin is the hormone responsible for good sleep.

Milk is rich in protein, it can help with weight loss and muscle building. Protein-rich foods like milk can promote weight loss by improving metabolism, increasing feelings of fullness after meals, and reducing daily calorie intake.

Milk is rich in calcium, it constitutes 12% to help build bones and help in transporting nutrients.

Malted milk is a good source of thyroid hormone: a hormone responsible for the body’s metabolism_the process in which your body transforms the food you eat into energy.

It’s crystal clear that malted milk contains no Iron. Iron is a mineral that is needed for growth and hemoglobin production. This mineral is very active in the body system, more so to maintain stamina and restores sleep as said earlier.

Stop saying malted milk boosts blood volume.

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