Forgiveness is the Key to a Peaceful Life

By Abdulkadir Sofiullahi

Have you ever reflected on past relationships and friendships and realize you were probably part of the problem or even majorly? Are you one of those people that are certain they can never be at fault?

Now, get to know that no one is close to being perfect, you are just a few steps away from finding out just how flawed you actually are. At times, you serve as a major problem in another man’s life.

In this life, we humans subconsciously choose to be blind to our own flaws, while seeing others flaws effortlessly. Truth is in whatever partnership you might find yourself in, you always cannot be right, as long as you are human which I’m pretty sure you are.

One needs to fathom that patience is a virtue that’s not easy to exercise but nevertheless, one ought to understand that no one is free from making mistakes. Meaning, if you’re offended, try to be forgiving because you aren’t perfect and you’re not definitely beyond mistakes.

Don’t let anger justify your decision. Learn how to manage relationships with people even though they are the ones who wronged you. Take a walk, keep busy, in doing this, you’ll clear your head and can then make the right decision in addressing whatever happened from critical points of thinking and not points of mere anger.

Always welcome people’s ideas some times.This has a relieving effect you can never overestimate as it helps you free all your built emotions. You’d be surprised you’ll find yourself laughing at the end and you’ll start to wonder why you were so mad in the first place.

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