You Cam Never Walk Alone

By Abdulkadir Sofiullahi 

A journey to success is not just a one kind journey you can decide to journey alone for the  golden rule is to familiarize yourself with shooters, those who have once walked through the same path you have chosen, to make your journey easy.

Human Beings will relate with one another, in terms of  studying and learning from another individual’s story of success, and that is why it is said experience is the greatest teacher. 

You can’t walk alone unless you tend to walk on what is not worth having. Frustration would influence the negligence of others’ power of contribution to your life;  but  never give room for such.

Inferiority and superiority is meant for no one than the living ones. Taking pieces of advice from someone superior to you implies not that you cannot do it alone but you would make you get the actuality in the desirable goal you aim. I know you have big dreams and aspirations, but get to know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Great things take time.

When you experience a curveball, and you begin to feel like you’re not making any progress, remind yourself that setbacks and challenges are two normal parts of life in which everyone experiences them at some point. 

One minute you  laugh like your world is unshakable and the next, you wonder if you’ll ever smile again.

In the midst of everything, I hope you take whatever negativities life throws at you and build an armor of it. I hope you turn things around for good, irrespective of how impossible it might seem. For where there is life, there is hope

Refocus and fire down. As you embark on the journey, break down your goals into small, manageable ones. This way, it becomes easier to focus on what you can do today rather than feeling overwhelmed by the big picture. It also helps you live in the moment, appreciate the little things, and find joy in your journey.

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