UDUS to Hold Matriculation Ceremony

Isiaq Ibrahim reports 

The flier


The management of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto has set to conduct a matriculation ceremony for the newly admitted students of the 2022/2023 academic session.

According to a flier released by the school management, the rehearsal for the matriculation ceremony would take place on 18th July by 4:00 pm, while the ceremony will be held on Wednesday, 19th July by 9:00 am at University Convocation Theatre respectively.

Meanwhile, the flier stated that: “In order to facilitate attendance of both rehearsal and the matriculation ceremony by the students, the university authority has declared the afternoon of Tuesday and the morning of Wednesday 18th and 19th July, 2023 respectively as lecture free day for 100 and 200 level students.”

“It is important that all fresh undergraduate and postgraduate students must attend rehearsal and matriculation ceremonies punctually.”

Adding that, “Any student who fails to complete the oath form and signing of the matriculation register within stipulated time frames, would be shown the way out of the university by the university authority; only those who have been matriculated would be considered bonafide of this university.

Therefore, the matriculating students are advised to collect their academic gowns from their various faculty officers.

The ceremony is mandatory for newly admitted 100-level, 200-level and postgraduates who are not graduates of the university.

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