Life of the Hijabi Sisiter

By Bagidi Latifah

Across the whole world, it is believed that hijab is one of the physical identities of every muslim woman of which also calls for respect in their daily life. Hijab, a beauty of Islam it is!

The term “Hijabi Sister” is a broad reference to Muslim women who wear the hijab, a traditional headscarf worn by some Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and faith. It is not a specific individual’s name or title, but rather a collective term used to refer to Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab. Many Muslim women around the world, from various backgrounds and cultures are identified as part of the “Hijabi Sisters “ community.

However, in this era, many people get things twisted with different mindsets by spitting words which are not appealing to perceive about the hijabi sisters, wording disgusting words like “hijab sisters are deceivers, virgin ladies in the afternoon but devils at night, I prefer to marry a prostitute to a hijabi sister”. My question to such people is, is it bad to be in a hijab? You meeting a prostitute under hijab means not that all hijabi sisters are the same.

Besides, a person who did evil or bad in ignorance can later feel remorse about his/her wrong doing and seek repentance. And that is why we have repentance scripture in the Heb’s book of chapter 6 verse 1, also in the Quran, Allah knows that humans are bound to make mistakes out of ignorance which makes Him talk about repentance in Quran chapter 2 verse 222.

According to the holy book (Qur’an), it made the Muslims women clear about wearing a hijab, but it does not qualify them as bad neither did it say those who use veils are good. but it seems now that nowadays if you have been sighted with your hijab on for days, then it will be used as a tool of satire on you.

I thought we were told not to judge a book by its cover?, but so far, we’ve been judging the book by its cover. You might not be getting married with hijabi sisters but belittling them is wrong. In this life every one chooses the life he or she wants to live, but thinking yours is the best and that of others is wrong is a big mistake people make.

Hijab is good, hijab is respect, hijab is purity but not those who wear them, it is just like Islam is perfect not those who practice Islam.

I have seen a hijabi sister who fights, who disrespect, who has all and every bad character and I have also seen a hijab sister that with just a glance on her, I got to understand that she is everything Allah asks us to be. The situation is vice-versa, so putting every hijabi sister under the same umbrella of the bad ones is a mistake.

Moreso, not every hijab sister knows how to recite the Qur’an and that doesn’t make them less hijabis. Like I had said earlier, a hijabi doesn’t mean a perfect or a well knowledgeable person in Islam, some just love hijabs and they wear them and are perfectly alright and allowed.

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