Who is a Real Woman?

By Iorgboko Michael

The private part of a woman is not enough to make her a complete or real woman. Wait! I know what you’re thinking. This is it: For you to be classified as a woman of dignity, there are various factors to be considered. However, it doesn’t matter where you come from, which religion you practice or who you are; but it’s based on some facts and reality.

A woman of dignity is the one who feeds a man with encouragement and ideas. Oh, Yes! She is that female gender full of words of encouragement and ideas through which men hold on to build a better home. She uses her sense to support her husband to start something beneficial that supports their children both present and in future time. Again, she is that type of person when heed to her ideas, a solid home is built.

Being wise, this woman helps her spouse to save and invest wisely. She possesses the qualities of an accountant by saving the little income of her husband and investing, based on their agreement, for future occurrence. She is not that female gender that is after fashion, spends all that her husband labor for— just to look adorable and cute, but values things of priority for her family.

In her reservation, this real woman does not run her mouth with sarcasm and insults just to prove a point, rather her words are gracious and healing to a broken heart. She knows when to talk and to keep quiet. When she is wrong or right, her voice is not heard out from afar—trying to justify faithfulness, but she is quiet, gentle and loving. She is not the type that always becomes the first and last on social media. Even at that, a misunderstanding with her husband is not taken to social media, but resolved within themselves amicably. She is not a self journalist, as she doesn’t wish to be one.

Contentment, they say, is the feeling of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation. A real woman is content with what she has, and not the one that sells herself for material things. Privacy, integrity, honor and respect for herself are good qualities that she possesses, as she is not a public pit. With her contentment, she is also submissive to her husband.

Having babies can be a blessing while having better ideas equally can be resourceful for a peaceful home. She does not just bear babies, but bear ideas and inspiration anytime, anywhere.

In finding solace, her man leans on her shoulders and does not feel humiliated for doing so or losing his value. As a comforter, the distress of her man is healed. Nonetheless, she possesses the qualities of nation building by nurturing her children with good character and support to her husband.

All in all, I charge all females of our present time to shun all irresponsible behavior, and be the real women of dignity that make a better society. Embracing the aforementioned qualities of the real woman, our future women or women should understand how those qualities are valuable in the life of every man. By doing so, they will be respected, honored, supported, loved and cared for by their husbands. Additionally, they should know that the dignity of every man lies in the hand of his wife. Money and other material things are temporary, but the real love of a man and woman in terms of care, support, dignity, content, tolerance and understanding will go a long way in building a better society that we all desire.

“Many are females, but only few can be called the real woman/women of dignity. Be that real woman of dignity today!”

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