FCLS-UDUS Seeks Part-Funded Postgraduate Position

Lameez Azeez reports

The memo

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Chemical and Life Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto has called for potential candidates to enroll for a Ph.D. for the 2023/2024 academic session.

According to a memo released by the department and signed by the research team, the sponsorship is a part-funded privilege, which is based on the hypothesis of a project titled ‘Fabrication of Machinery for the Production of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food(RUTF) for Treatment and Prevention of Malnutrition in Nigeria.’

For the research, the direction then provides for the conditions and objectives the candidate is expected to work on during the course of the exercise. And it is stressed that a candidate’s experience in community management will be an added advantage.

“(I) To produce RUTF using local resources (ii)conduct nutritional and safety evaluation of the RUTF produced (iii)access acceptability and effectiveness of the RUTF in community based management of acute malnutrition(CMAM) setting (iv) evaluate the locally performance of the RUTF in comparison with imported ones CMAM setting,’the memo reads in part.

“Prior experience in supervision and monitoring Community Management of acute malnutrition is an added advantage,” the flier read in part.

Meanwhile, the sponsorship is not a fully funded one, it only covers some parts of the program.And the application deadline is Friday 8th September,2023.

“Sponsorship covers all research consumables, reagents or chemicals but not tuition or stipends.”

For further enquiries and to apply, the provisions are stated below:

“Send an email with you CV and cover letter to ahmed suleiman @ udusok.edu.ng or call 08039704944;08036154828.

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