Fingers are not Equal: Why Some Students Shouldn’t Be Blamed for Resuming Late to School

By Muhammad Akindele

To some students, especially the freshers, resumption always comes with internal and external alacrity. Many reasons are invariably accountable for this.

The most unique among them is financial stability, because some students receive perfect attention from home whenever they are in school, much better than home. Thus, they see school as a system to cash out while enriching their pocket.

Then, what is the story of students who resume late to school?

Without contemplation, every finger is valuable in its own right, however not equal. Every student wishes to resume earlier back to school but due to demanding reasons, they are forced to join their colleagues when academic activities are in the center of the stage. Why?

The justification is not far fetched, financial incapacitation claimed the blockade.

While some students sail home to enjoy their mother’s meal and sleep all day, these students dedicate all their holiday to hustle for money, in order to pay their next school fees and settle their academic necessities.

Presumably, those students that travel home to surf all the days usually resume early, while hustlers resume late to campus. What a climax!

Students who resume late are sometimes victims of stigmatization. Their peers mock them and at the same time outcast their actions and decisions.

Attendance, classes and lots more have been the sacrifice of these students. Fortunately for them, lecturers do waive the 75% attendance, mandatory before eligible to sit for exams. Solitary could have otherwise been their fate, if the university’s provision is strictly followed.

In helping the issue, the school managements should ensure that scholarship programs in their control benefit the highest average of these vulnerable students.

Also, students who are financially blessed should equally share the burden of their friends. Because, a cliché says “a helping hands contribute to a fruitful land.”

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