Home: The Bedrock of Devil and Decency

By: Ibroheem  Ridwanullahi

Have you ever contemplated the looming challenges that our nation and society will face in the coming weeks, months, and years? It appears that these challenges will be more severe and extreme than anything we’ve encountered before.

The future seems clouded, with little brightness or color in our streets. Our society stands on the brink of destruction due to our neglect of critical issues that demand attention. This neglect starts at home, where we often fall short of our responsibilities, and it extends to society as a whole.

While we all strive to broaden our horizons, we often overlook the potential threats that could disrupt our way of life. While we advocate for peace, security, good governance, and high standards in our systems, we should also examine our own homes. What values are we instilling in our children? Are we fulfilling our roles as parents?

The state of our present homes significantly influences what our society and nation will look like in the future. I have concerns about the safety and peace of our societies if we continue to neglect our homes. The failure to teach morals and provide a proper upbringing to our children may lead to them becoming a source of trouble in the future.

We have witnessed the rise of young individuals involved in various forms of criminal activities, such as ritualism, alcoholism, burglary, drug addiction, and streetwalking. These actions are often the result of a lack of guidance and support from those responsible.

Our society is unwell, and the solutions can only come from us. Our nation and our societies are a reflection of our homes.

For our safety, peace, and survival, we all have a role to play, and it all starts in our homes. Our children need proper upbringing, guidance, and regular orientation.


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