UDUS 2023 Emirate Election: Irregularities Emerge During Voting Process

Abdullateef Abdullahi reports

While voters continue to queue patiently to exercise their  right, there have been disturbing reports of misconduct involving certain party agents who are allegedly resorting to unscrupulous methods to manipulate the electoral process. 

These individuals are purportedly using kerosene to remove the indelible ink mark on voters’ thumbs, with the intention of securing additional votes for their favored candidates during the result collation.

According to The News Digest’s findings, this reprehensible action is part of a scheme to inflate the vote count in favor of specific candidates. 

Speaking, a victim of this misconduct has come forward to share her experience—revealing that a group of individuals approached her and urged her to clean her thumb with kerosene so she could cast a second vote.

“ I was giving kerosene to clean my thumb to vote for the second time for a particular candidate’s name given to me.”

Interfering, this reporter observes that such incidents raise serious concerns about the integrity of the ongoing electoral process and the need for election officials to maintain a fair and transparent election. 


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