INSIDE UDUS: AbdulAzeez Zainab Emerges as First Female Graduating Boxer

Yasir Aladodo reports

Abdulazeez Zainab, a distinguished graduand in Education Biology from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, has been honored as the institution’s first-ever female graduating boxer.

This prestigious award was bestowed upon her at the school hostel during a departmental rally sign-out on Thursday, December 14, 2023.

Zainab, who also served as the outgoing Vice President of the Federation of Oyo State Students Union, received praise from her boxing club mates and coach.

Expressing admiration, Yusuf Sodiq Goda, a boxing mate, noted Zainab’s noble leadership and role model status as a focal point for women in the sport.

“Zainab is a noble leader to us and we see her as our role model in the club.”

In an interview with Abdulwarith Oyekanmi, the club’s coach, he disclosed that Zainab is a dedicated member of the club amidst the academy.

“ When she was doing her project she used to participate in club training. We will miss her because she is just like a mirror for others to emulate.”

Speaking with The News Digest Press, AbdulAzeez Zainab shared her excitement, stating, “Actually, I don’t expect this from my club, and I am very excited about this.”

In her advice to fellow boxers, she urged them to remain committed, and punctual, and view boxing as a valuable extracurricular activity.

“ To you all my fellow boxers, I plead with you to stand with whatever you are doing and focus on it, be punctual, and know that this boxing is also part of your extracurricular activities,” advised Zainab.

She further extended her heartfelt prayers to Allah for her success and the realization of her  ambition.

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