EDITORIAL: Whether or not there is Solar, we are Suffocating, Help us Repair Lecture Halls Fans–to SU Caretaker Committee 


As the scorching sun beats down on our school, the question arises: are our solar panels truly serving their purpose? Should we label them as non-functional, or perhaps acknowledge that they are unable to sufficiently power our needs during daylight hours? Living in a state known for its sunshine, we expect our solar panels to harness the sun’s intensity effectively.

The escalating heat within our lecture halls has reached intolerable levels. How can meaningful learning take place when both lecturers and students grapple with such oppressive conditions?

I firmly believe in the power of utilizing available resources to their fullest potential. It’s disheartening to witness the current state where solar power seems underutilized, while the fans in lecture rooms struggle to provide the necessary comfort for effective learning.

This persistent weather challenge has forced many students to avoid afternoon and evening lectures altogether. Those with health concerns find it impossible to endure even an hour in these suffocating environments.

We must reflect on the purpose of having fans if they cannot function optimally. Similarly, the essence of a lecture is lost when the learning environment becomes inhospitable for both lecturers and the students.

Exams are nearing, and students are struggling to stay cooped up in the lecture halls, both during the day and at night. It feels like we’re fleeing from our usual homes.

The Student Union should urgently visit these lecture halls and address the situation. Students are feeling suffocated, especially during this critical period.

From the Desk of Abdullateef Abdullahi (Asaliy)


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