Muhammed Akindele reports
Muhammadjawad Oloruntoyin, a 300-level law student at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS), has em.erged winner in debate competition held at the Ilorin Emirate Students’ Union Orientation program on April 21st, 2024.
The debate, titled “Science is Inimical to Mankind,” saw a heated contest between teams from the UDUS
Medical students and UDUS Law Faculty. Muhammadjawad’s team argued in favor of the motion.
“I’m grateful to God and very happy,” Muhammadjawad said in an interview with the news digest after the win. “The topic means that science has faced some hostilities by mankind and my team defends that position.”
“ It was unexpected,” he admitted. “I prepared for about 20 minutes…and we were just called upon on the day to debate.”
“In debate, critical thinking is important and also understanding the topics. Then be confident,” he added