Telemedicine: Revolutionizing Healthcare Access

By Mutalib Jibril Telemedicine involves providing medical care remotely via telecommunications technology, allowing patients to interact with healthcare providers through methods like video consultations, phone calls, or online messaging. This approach eliminates geographical constraints, enhancing the accessibility of healthcare services. Telemedicine offers convenient, secure access to healthcare, benefiting rural and underserved areas. It revolutionizes healthcare…

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Termite Prevention Tips For Your Home

By Mutalib Jibril Termites belong to a category of eusocial insects that primarily feed on decomposing plant matter, including wood, paper and soil organic matter. Their distinctive features include bead-like antennae. They exhibit a eusocial social structure, organized into castes including workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals, which is a notable feature not found in all…

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How to Strengthen Community Pharmacy in Africa

By Mutalib Jibril Strengthening the role of community pharmacies in Africa is of paramount importance, as it holds the potential to substantially improve healthcare accessibility and outcomes throughout the continent. Africa grapples with distinct challenges such as a deficient healthcare infrastructure, insufficient availability of essential medicines, and a heavy disease burden. Empowering community pharmacies can…

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Why I Chose UDUS: Hanbali’s Story

By Abdulrasaq Kamaldeen Abdulhamid Hambali was offered admission to study Veterinary medicine at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto(UDUS) in 2015. When he finished secondary school, the intention of furthering his education kept him in doubt. Standing at a crossroad in his academic journey, the thought of where is the best university in Nigeria weighed heavily on…

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