Motherhood and Maternity

By: Amidat Ahmad Motherhood and maternity is an unparalleled journey that transcends boundaries, cultures, and time. It is a profound chapter in a woman’s life that encompasses various emotions, challenges, and immeasurable joys. Whether anticipated or unexpected, this transformative experience leaves an indelible mark on individuals, families, and society as a whole. The essence of…

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Pharmacists, Students Express Concern Over NMA’s Decision to Discontinue Clerkship Training

By Mutalib Jibril “Why would you call for the discontinuation of clerkship which has been in existence and functioning for years and contributing massively to the student’s academic career?” Muhammad Kabir, a professional pharmacist with over 5 years of experience rhetorically questioned the circular released by the Nigeria Medical Association. On January 15th, 2024, the…

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Pregnancy as a Transformational Phase for Women

By: Amidat Ahmad Pregnancy is an extraordinary and transformative journey that heralds the beginning of new life. It’s a phase that intertwines the physical, emotional, and psychological facets of a woman’s life, encompassing a spectrum of experiences and changes. From the initial confirmation of conception to the miraculous moment of birth, the journey of pregnancy…

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